How Many Frame Brands?

While intuition might suggest that higher frame unit sales must be supported by an increasing number of brands, conventional practice management wisdom says the opposite: less is more.  Multiple advisors on dispensary management advocate limiting brands and hence, frame vendors. 

The theory goes: by limiting the number of frame brands and vendors, ECPs can maximize discounts, payment terms, co-op funds, simplify ordering and inventory management, optimize rep service and visit time, and strengthen strategic vendor partnerships.

Can less be more? Is it possible for a practice to limit the number of vendors they must partner with to achieve high sales and capture rates?  Let’s look at the facts:


What trend?

The typical business cycle peeks in August (attributable to back-to-school and end-of-summer prep) and the end-of-year health savings boost in December can no longer be relied upon. Practice owners and industry stakeholders plan marketing budgets, inventory management, and staffing considerations around those peak months. In this article, we’re looking at how those seasonal patterns have shifted in the face of the unique pressures of the past two years: